Plant Tissue & SAP Testing

Provides insights into structural plant nutrition

Both SAP testing and Plant Tissue testing can provide valuable insights for soil management decisions.

SAP testing is best used early on to determine what is required by the plant, to limit the effect any deficiencies can have on yield. While plant tissue testing offers a look at the total nutrients available to the plant.

SAP testing:

  • Tests what is readily available within the plant (similar to a human blood test), giving an accurate review of what is required by the plant, before deficiency symptoms are visible.

Plant Tissue testing:

  • Our plant tissue testing service analyses the whole plant, including both what is readily available and structurally available. This gives an indication of total nutrient stores currently within the plant.

For the best results, both SAP and Plant Tissue testing can be used together over the course of a season to enable better informed soil management decisions, as outlined in the diagram below.

If you would like to know more about either of these services, or how you might be able to integrate them into your soil management decision making process, please Contact Us!

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